Are you a Recruiter Looking to Win new Clients at Scale?
Quest is a dynamic B2B sales agency specialising in finding new clients for recruitment agencies using AI automation and innovative outbound techniques, we drive growth and unlock new revenue streams for our partners.
Our Mission is To Help our Dynamic Recruitment Partners Win New Clients
At Quest, our mission is to revolutionise the way recruitment agencies find new clients. By leveraging cutting-edge AI automation and outbound sales techniques, we empower our partners to expand their reach and drive sustainable business growth.
Our goal is to be the trusted partner that helps recruitment firms unlock their full potential.
Our Values
We operate with honesty, transparency and a strong ethical code, building trust with our clients and partners.
We continuously seek new and better ways to drive results, embracing the latest sales technologies and techniques.
We work closely with our clients as an extension of their team, aligning our goals to achieve mutual success.
We are deeply passionate about helping our clients grow, going above and beyond to deliver exceptional results.
Our Expertise
At Quest, we pride ourselves on our extensive expertise in B2B sales and lead generation.
Our team have honed their skills in outbound tactics, AI-powered automation, and targeted prospecting to help recruitment agencies expand their client base.
We leverage the latest sales enablement tools and employ a multi-channel approach to deliver tailored outreach campaigns that convert leads into long-term partnerships.
Recruitment Agency Specialisation
Tailored Strategies
Our team of recruitment experts understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing your industry. We develop customised solutions to help you find the best talent quickly and efficiently.
Client-Centric Approach
We put your needs first, working closely with you to identify your recruitment goals and devise a plan to achieve them. Our client-centric focus ensures a seamless and rewarding partnership.
Data-Driven Insights
By leveraging the latest recruitment analytics and AI-powered tools, we provide data-driven insights to inform our strategies and deliver measurable results for your agency.
Outbound Sales Techniques


Cold Calling
Reaching out to potential clients through direct phone calls to start a conversation and uncover needs.


Email Outreach
Crafting personalized emails that capture attention and compel the recipient to respond.


Social Prospecting
Leveraging LinkedIn and other social platforms to connect with and engage targeted prospects.
AI Automation in Sales
Unlock the power of AI to streamline your sales operations and drive greater efficiency. Our AI-powered tools automate repetitive tasks, personalize outreach, and provide real-time insights to help you close more deals.
  • Automate lead qualification and scoring to focus on high-potential prospects
  • Leverage AI-generated email sequences to personalize your outreach at scale
  • Utilise smart analytics to identify trends and optimise your sales strategy
Lead Generation Strategies
We leverage AI-powered prospecting tools to efficiently identify and reach out to the most promising recruitment agency leads.
Targeted Outreach
Our bespoke outreach campaigns are tailored to each recruitment agency's unique needs, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion.
Multichannel Approach
We combine email, social media, and other digital channels to create a comprehensive lead generation strategy that reaches your audience wherever they are.
Prospecting Methodologies
Targeted Outreach
We use advanced prospecting techniques to identify and engage with the most promising recruitment agencies. Our team meticulously researches each prospect to understand their needs and challenges.
Multichannel Approach
We leverage multiple sales channels, including email, social media, and direct calling, to connect with decision-makers and build meaningful relationships.
Personalized Engagement
Every touchpoint is tailored to the prospect's unique requirements, ensuring a personalised and highly effective sales experience.
Consistent Follow-up
Our team is relentless in their pursuit of new opportunities, maintaining consistent follow-up and nurturing leads until they're ready to partner with us.
Targeted Outreach Campaigns
Personalized Messaging
We craft unique, tailored outreach campaigns for each recruitment agency, ensuring your message resonates with your target prospects.
Multi-Channel Approach
Our campaigns leverage a combination of email, social media, and phone calls to maximise engagement and conversion rates.
Data-Driven Targeting
We use advanced data analytics to identify the most promising leads and target them with laser-focused messaging.
Continuous Optimisation
We constantly monitor the performance of our campaigns and make real-time adjustments to improve results.
Personalised Email Sequences
Personalised Outreach
Our email sequences are tailored to each prospect, reflecting their industry, role, and pain points to foster genuine engagement.
Automated Workflows
Leverage AI-driven automation to seamlessly deliver a series of personalised emails at the optimal cadence for your prospects.
Data-Driven Insights
Analyze email performance data to continuously refine and improve your outreach, ensuring maximum impact and conversion rates.
Social Media Engagement
Strategic Planning
Our team works closely with clients to develop tailored social media strategies that align with their recruitment business goals and target audience.
Content Creation
We produce high-quality, attention-grabbing content that resonates with your ideal prospects and encourages them to engage with your brand.
Insightful Analytics
By closely monitoring your social media performance, we provide detailed analytics to measure the impact and refine your strategy over time.
Multichannel Approach
Integrated Outreach
We combine various sales channels like email, social media, and phone calls to create a comprehensive outreach strategy tailored to each recruitment agency's unique needs.
Omnichannel Engagement
By seamlessly integrating all touchpoints, we ensure a consistent brand experience and maximise the impact of our prospecting efforts.
Adaptive Strategies
Our agile approach allows us to continually refine and optimise our multichannel tactics, responding to evolving market trends and client feedback.
Sales Enablement Tools


CRM Software
Leverage a robust CRM system to manage your pipeline, automate key sales processes, and gain valuable customer insights.


Sales Prospecting Platforms
Leverage AI-powered tools to identify high-quality leads, enrich prospect data, and automate outreach campaigns.


Sales Presentation Tools
Engage prospects with visually compelling, interactive sales presentations that highlight your value proposition.


Sales Reporting & Analytics
Leverage advanced analytics to measure the performance of your sales activities and make data-driven decisions.
Flexible Engagement Models
Tailored Approach
We understand that every recruitment agency has unique needs, so we offer customised engagement models to suit your specific requirements and budget.
Our flexible pay-as-you-go model allows you to scale our services up or down as needed, ensuring you only pay for what you use.
Retainer Agreements
For long-term partnerships, we offer retainer-based arrangements that provide ongoing support and dedicated resources to drive sustained growth.
Get a Free Consultation
Schedule a Call
Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our sales experts to discuss your recruitment agency's needs.
Understand Your Goals
We'll take the time to listen and understand your business objectives, challenges, and growth aspirations.
Receive Tailored Recommendations
Based on our discussion, we'll provide personalised strategies and solutions to help you achieve your sales and marketing goals.
Let's Grow Your Recruitment Agency
Partner with Quest to unlock the power of AI-driven outbound sales and take your recruitment agency to new heights. Our tailored solutions will help you attract more qualified candidates and secure more lucrative client contracts.